Monday, December 31, 2018

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December 31, 2018 at 07:09PM
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December 31, 2018 at 06:20PM
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December 31, 2018 at 09:26AM
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December 31, 2018 at 09:02AM
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Editors’ Choice: Why Astro Bot Rescue Mission is One of the Best Games of 2018

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December 31, 2018 at 06:09AM
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Sunday, December 30, 2018

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December 30, 2018 at 07:09PM
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December 30, 2018 at 06:10PM
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PlayStation Developers Choose Their Most Anticipated PS4 Games for 2019 and Beyond

While we’re spending the holidays happily sinking time into our favorite PS4 games of the past year (or revisiting some classics), we already have an eye on what’s to come for our console. And we’re not the only ones.

Even while they’re busy working on their own projects, our favorite developers are also looking forward to seeing what their colleagues across other studios have been working on. We reached out to ask them what they personally cannot wait to play and why.

1. The Last of Us Part II

As chosen by…

“Ellie is back, and I can’t wait to find out what happened to her since The Last of Us. How did she evolve, being a teenager in such circumstances? How did the harsh world impact her? Has the world around her changed? So many questions!”

Angie Smets, Executive Producer, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Guerrilla

“Naughty Dog are excellent storytellers. I absolutely loved The Last of Us and can’t wait to lose myself in the sequel!”

Adam Badowski, Director, Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt RED

“Hands down The Last of Us Part II. Anything from Naughty Dog should be the top of anyone’s list at this point, but The Last of Us was such an incredible journey and I can’t wait to see what comes next.”

Alex Barnes, Designer, The Persistence, Firesprite

2. Resident Evil 2

As chosen by…

“Resident Evil 2 Remake will be one I won’t want to miss. I spent so many hours on the original one on PS1 but I could never unlock the Tofu Survivor. My gamer life’s biggest drama.”

Nic Doucet, Creative Director, Astro Bot Rescue Mission Japan Studio

3. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

As chosen by…

“I love all of From Software’s games and am chomping at the bit for this. I loved playing Tenchu: Stealth Assassins when it came out on the original PlayStation so I’m super hyped about this one!”

Emily Newton Dunn, Systems Designer, Dreams, Media Molecule

“I can’t wait to play it!”

Kazunori Kadoi, Director, Resident Evil 2, Capcom

“As a fan of From Software and Bloodborne, in particular, I’m looking forward to Sekiro: Shadow’s Die Twice.”

Tam Armstrong, Co-founder, Moss, Polyarc

“Without a doubt, I’m most excited about Sekiro on PS4 next year. I’m using its release as a deadline because I know work is going to take a hit when I start playing!”

Derek Yu, Creator, Spelunky 2

4. Dreams

As chosen by…

“Dreams has made it to some people’s ‘Most Anticipated Games’ lists for multiple years; at least true for me since The Last Guardian came out. This is going to be worth the wait.”

Shuhei Yoshida, President, Worldwide Studios

5. Ghost of Tsushima

As chosen by…

“The gameplay shown by the devs from Sucker Punch was stunning! The environments look beautiful, the lighting sets the mood perfectly and the combat looks just as fierce as samurai sword fighting should be — absolutely brutal. The studio also managed to capture the atmosphere I expect from a game in this setting. I can’t wait to play it!”

Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz, Game Director, Thronebreaker: Witcher Tales, CD Projetk Red

“I’m very interested in seeing how a historical game set in Japan developed by Sucker Punch Productions will unfold.”

Hiroyuki Sakamoto, Game Director, Yakuza Kiwami 2, Sega

“I was a big fan of Tenchu back on the PS1, both the gameplay and the universe. So I’m super excited for a good Feudal Japanese universe to explore in Ghost of Tsushima. Probably the hypest hype I’ve had in recent hypes.”

Steve Filby, Producer, Dead Cells, Motion Twin

“The combat looks incredible while the visuals and the world we get to explore are breathtaking. An open world action game of this caliber set in feudal Japan is a dream come true.”

Yoshinori Takahashi, Director, Soul Calibur VI, Bandai Namco

6. Catherine Full Body


As chosen by…

“With a new character joining the cast, I’m interested in seeing how the story and feel of the gameplay will change and be reconstructed from the last game.”

Ryousuke Horii, Planner, Yakuza Kiwami 2, Sega

7. Death Stranding

As chosen by…

“Hideo Kojima has always been a huge inspiration for me and I can’t help but to tune both eyes and ears in the direction of any project with his name on it. I respect him and his team’s unconventional approach to their games and always striving to do something unique. Death Stranding is no different, and it has prompted many conversations with my friends and family and the game is not even out yet! Hideo and his team are working on a very intriguing new universe and I am looking forward to learning more about it.”

Damoun Shabestari, Creative Producer, Firewall Zero Hour, First Contact Entertainment

8. Anthem

As chosen by…

“I can’t wait to try the game and, most importantly, see what kind of long-term gameplay loop they’ve crafted!”

Yuya Tokuda, Director, Monster Hunter World, Capcom

9. Kingdom Hearts III

As chosen by…

“Without a doubt, Kingdom Hearts III. I’ve always been a huge fan of the worlds of Disney and Square Enix coming together, and this one—which now features Pixar movie characters and settings—has me super excited.”

Bryan Intihar, Creative Director, Marvel’s Spider-Man, Insomniac Games

10. Cyberpunk 2077

As chosen by…

“Assuming that I ever finish Red Dead Redemption 2, this is the world I want to get lost in next. At E3 this year I watched an interview with one of the designers (I think it was Miles Tost) from CD Projekt RED and just seeing how excited he was about all the systems and detailed world design that are in the game was infectious. The longer gameplay reveal just completely blew me away and I can’t wait to make my own way in that world.”

Dominic Robilliard, Creative Director, Concrete Genie, Pixelopus

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Editors’ Choice: Why Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is One of the Best Games of 2018

In every Assassin’s Creed game, there is a moment where the assassin clambers up to some high-reaching vista — a tower, a balcony, maybe even a ship’s mast — and briefly focuses their eagle eye on the land below them before bounding forward into a leap of faith.

The thrill is usually in the leap, a reflection of the quick, fluid, sneaky gameplay that was once the foundation of the series. With Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, the thrill is now in the climb, and the expansive beauty that waits at the top as a reward.

I’m a longtime fan of Ubisoft’s history-hopping stealth series, even with its various tweaks and mechanical changes through the years. Some entries took bold, broader strokes like Black Flag or last year’s Origins, but Odyssey tosses red paint all over the canvas to create something familiar but lusciously fresh. The world of Ancient Greece is a sight to behold, and it’s gleaming with new opportunity at every corner.

Rather than simply chasing vengeance or upholding tradition, Odyssey is a journey of action and choice. There’s not yet a brotherhood or creed to follow. Instead, you are bound to your own ambitions, whatever that may mean. You’re a mercenary with big dreams, exiled from Sparta with a whole world ahead of you waiting to be explored. For me that meant playing as a witty and empathetic Kassandra, fighting against man or myth to reunite her family. For others that could mean taking a more bloodthirsty approach, seeking revenge and nothing more. Others might fight for brutish glory on the field of battle and arena. Even still, others might ignore the clash of armies and instead head out on the open sea as a pirate. Each quest is a choice, and those choices reflect throughout the entire game and open doors unlike ever before. The series has always allowed for exploration aside from the story, but in Odyssey even the main quest branches out in ways had me giddily criss-crossing my way across the map, discovering new adventures and secrets.

The series similarly reinvents itself by ditching what was once thought of as the essence of being an Assassin: the Hidden Blade. I’ll admit even I was a bit wary of this change heading into Odyssey… until I kicked my first enemy off a hill with a Spartan Kick. The shift to special moves weaved alongside the history of your new main weapon, the Spear of Leonidas, is a natural one for the series, and it gave me a shot of adrenaline with each enemy encounter. Combat becomes a flurry of flexibility and stealth is absolutely still a mainstay, but the broader skill set makes for more engaging and strategic combat, from the smallest animal encounter to full scale conquest battles.

What makes Odyssey such a standout is its rich and captivatingly human characters. Kassandra is genuinely funny, and a total delight to play as no matter what tone you choose to pursue. I’ve sailed right past objectives and docks on my sea galley The Adrestia just to listen to my naval captain Barnabas and the ancient historian Herodotus squabble about fact or fiction. I romanced a randy old woman who originally had me fetching aphrodisiacs for her poor, exhausted husband (who similarly begged me to, uh… give his wife a hand). Even when the main quest branches off into smaller tasks, they lead to characters each on a bewitching journey of their own. In a world with so much to do, it’s these moments that keep me coming back for hours with no end in sight.

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey elevates the entire series to new heights, making it a joy for loyal fans and a brilliant entry point for folks that just didn’t even know where to begin with previous entries. It’s easily one of the best games this year, and a knockout in the decade-long franchise.

What was your favorite game of 2018? Click here to vote in the PlayStation.Blog Game of the Year 2018 Awards!

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December 30, 2018 at 09:07AM
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December 30, 2018 at 09:02AM
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December 30, 2018 at 08:32AM
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December 30, 2018 at 07:44AM
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Saturday, December 29, 2018

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December 29, 2018 at 09:55PM
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December 29, 2018 at 09:07PM
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December 29, 2018 at 09:06PM
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Lachlan Fortnite Skin Bundle in Today’s Fortnite Item Shop November 12th/13th 2020

The Lachlan Fortnite skin will be in the 12th/13th November Item Shop rotation along with all the other cosmetics in the set. Epic Games an...